Hello ____________,

Glad to hear you are studying this subject. I haven’t don’t a specific correlation study, because what I’ve seen is that people who take the OT plagues and apply them to the book of Revelation, have done it in a way that makes most of the book of Revelation look like it applies to the end as a future application. This is not how I study the Revelation, as it makes better than perfect sense to apply it in the past, present and future, as John does in 1:19.

Because the Revelation uses the term “seven last plagues” in 15:1 and 21:9, I will refer to the seven last plagues of the Exodus (though in the Revelation they are the last plagues this earth will ever have as well).

Egypt (Exodus) End time (Revelation)
1 bloody river, Ex. 7:14— none
2 frogs, 8:1— none
3 lice, 8:16— none
4 flies, 8:20 1 earth, sores, Rev. 16:2
5 livestock struck, 9:1 2 sea, blood, 16:3
6 boils, 9:8 3 rivers & fountains, blood, 16:4
7 hail, 9:13 4 heat from sun, 16:8
8 locusts, 10:1 5 seat of beast, painful darkness, 16:10
9 painful darkness, 10:21 6 Euphrates prepared for kings, 16:12
10 firstborn struck, 11:1 7 air, earthquake and hail, 16:17-21

It’s possible to mix and match them through the Revelation, but they don’t have consistency in chronology as you can see above.

Another important thing in the plagues is the fact that the first three were for everyone in Egypt, including the Children of Israel. The last seven were only for the nonbelievers. The beauty of the seven LAST plagues in the Revelation is that they could be referred to as the last of the ten in Egypt—those that will only affect the nonbelievers. God’s people will be spared during that time, prepared for the coming of our Lord in glory!

I hope this helps!