
PDF Notes

Drama: drama | ˈdrämə | “an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances” (Apple Dictionary). God used drama on occasion to make very serious points for His people.


  • Ezekiel chapter 4 shows when the priest was called to perform theatrical displays to illustrate spiritual lessons for the nation.

Ezekiel 4:1 Thou also, son of man, take thee a tile, and lay it before thee, and pourtray upon it the city, even Jerusalem:

Ezekiel 4:2 And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about.

Ezekiel 4:3 Moreover take thou unto thee an iron […]


Answering Mr. O in Regard to Omnipresence

PDF Notes

Mr. O, I mentioned I would put a video together, but after starting to write out the notes, I found that writing would be a good way to go. I hope you don’t mind the change in what I said I would do. My comments are in bold:

Hello Pastor. I have some concerns regarding this video presentation and I am hoping you can help me understand. First of all, I agree with everything you have presented as far as the sources you have quoted. My concern is, I am afraid I am not understanding your interpretation of the material you have conveyed.

Thank you so much. If you could help, I would request that you go through the video again, pointing out precisely where I have misconstrued the words I […]

Answering Mr. O in Regard to Omnipresence2022-12-13T06:23:05-08:00

An Encouragement to Mothers

You are amazing.

You’ve been there through pain and joy, heartache and love for your children.

You’ve watched them from the first kicks in your belly to being brought forth on that beloved day of their birth!

You fed them and changed them, you clothed them and rocked them…

You put bandaids on their knees and elbows, and sang them to sleep.

You’ve prepared thousands of meals, helped them with salting their food, and cleaning up after them to show them how they too can lead a life that will be helpful to others.

You’ve prayed for and with your children, have brought them with concern and joy to your ascended Lord, and have watched them so many times just saying, “wow…”

You’ve been patient, kind, longsuffering, yet stern when necessary. None of us have done it perfectly, but God has blessed you […]

An Encouragement to Mothers2020-05-10T20:06:31-07:00
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